Dates of the Krononaut Moon

Of course the first thing everyone wants to know is, When’s the next Krononaut Moon?
In 2024, March’s Full Moon comes around on Monday the 25th (about 4 nights after the Equinox). Some communities will be celebrating or conducting experiments on Sunday evening the 24th. At 07:00 UTC, there will be a penumbral lunar eclipse.

This page is under construction, as are others on this site. Here you can get lots of info on every year’s March Equinox, which is aalways just a few nights away from the Krononaut Moon. If you notice any errors here, please let us know via our Contact page.

More on the March Equinox, also called the Northward Equinox. In the Northern Hemisphere it is the Vernal Equinox, and in the Southern Hemisphere it is the Autumnal Equinox. KronoMoon dates are the same everywhere in the world. Half the time, KronoMoon precedes the Equinox, in March and in Virgo, when it is also known as the Worm Moon (plus other traditional names). Occasionally KronoMoon appears in April and in Libra, when it is known as the Pink Moon (plus other traditional names). Very rarely, KronoMoon falls right on the Equinox (and on the cusp) as it will in 2038. KronoMoon always occurs on a Full Moon (because that’s its definition), which can frequently coincide with a lunar Eclipse, of various types (because the Moon and Sun are in opposite houses during a Full Moon).
Final factoid: Since KronoMoon is computed on a lunar calendar, it can be called a moveable feast.